If you are struggling with debt or living paycheck to paycheck, you are not alone and we can help.
Sixty-one (61) percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and are struggling to pay their debts, you are not alone. Credit card debt is piling up and becoming unmanageable for many Americans. More than 30% of credit card holders have an account in collections and are at risk of being sued. We have helped thousands of people deal with the stress caused by debt and to get them a fresh financial start.
Our Debt Relief and Defense program provides several services to help you (1) reduce your debt, (2) deal with the stress caused by the debt and debt collectors, and (3) prepare you for a brighter financial future. Our program works. It can eliminate debts in as little as three years and it ensures that you will have access to an attorney, at no additional cost, during the entire journey.
At your request, we will schedule at a time for you to speak with one of our attorneys to review your financial situation and explore potential options such as debt settlement, bankruptcy and credit counseling. We can also discuss your right to have debt collectors validate any debt you think they might not have the right to collect or where they may be attempting to collect an improperly inflated amount of money. All clients will be provided free information about the potential ways to reduce or eliminate debt.
It is a violation of federal law for debt collectors to call you once they have noticed that you are represented by an attorney. Once this Agreement is effective, you can tell any debt collector that you are represented by New Start Legal and provide New Start Legal’s phones number. At your request, we will send written notice to any debt collector that you are represented by a New Start Legal.
If you are sued by a Creditor as a result of a debt we are attempting to settle we will, at your request, defend you without charging you for attorneys fees. Defense is only provided at the trial court level and does not include appeals or any post-judgment actions. If you are sued as a result of unsecured debt that we are not attempting to settle in pre-litigation negotiations, the Firm will represent you for an hourly rate of just $175 for attorneys and $125 for staff.
To help you resolve debts that you believe that you cannot now or soon will not be able to afford to pay or that you dispute the amount you owe, and to reduce the likelihood of adverse legal actions by your creditors, Our firm can attempt to negotiate with your creditors in an effort for them to accept less money than they claim that you owe. This can get you out of debt many years faster and save you tens of thousands of dollars compared to continuing to make minimum payments.
We will educate you about your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”) and assist you with identifying possible creditor violations. The FDCPA protects you from abusive and unethical tactics that are often employed by debt collectors. If you and the attorney assigned to you believe a violation of the FDCPA has occurred, we will represent you in a pre-litigation effort to stop the violation and get you compensation at no advance charge to you. You would only pay us if we recover money for you. If litigation is required to resolve the claim, a separate agreement will be needed.
We will educate you about your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”) and assist you with identifying possible creditor violations. The FCRA protects your right to have accurate and timely information appear on your credit reports. If you and the attorney assigned to you believe a violation of the FDCPA has occurred, we will represent you in a pre-litigation effort to stop the violation and get you compensation at no advance charge to you. You would only pay us if we recover money for you. If litigation is required to resolve the claim, a separate agreement will be needed.
We will provide you with written resources to help you better manage your finances and information about ways to eliminate debt through bankruptcy, debt settlement, and credit counseling. At your request, the Firm will provide up to two hours of consultation regarding how to handle any litigation or threats of litigation pertaining to your debts.
Failing to defend a lawsuit can result in you owing more than you may otherwise. It can also result in judgments and wage garnishments. We can defend you against lawsuits brought by creditors for personal debts that you may owe.
Creditors know that most people, approximately 70 percent[1], will not fight back and accept a default judgment for the amount the creditor determines, which can be higher than what is actually owed. You can fight back.
In many instances, we can settle cases for less than you owe before forcing both parties to incur the significant costs associated with defending the lawsuit. Spending a few hundred dollars might save you thousands of dollars and spare you a lot of stress and embarrassment.
Our law firm has handled thousands of litigation cases against creditors of all sizes, from Fortune 500 companies, such as American Express and Discover, to the smallest of creditors. Hiring an attorney might be less expensive than you think. We have a variety of payment options for those looking for help in defending against a creditor lawsuit.
We can quote you a price to handle the entire lawsuit, from the start to the end of trial or adjudication. Flat fee prices are typically $900 to $3,000 depending on the facts of the case. Flat fee pricing covers all of the attorneys’ fees. The flat-fee does not cover court costs, such as filing fees, and it does not include any appeals or post-judgment work.
Our legal defense program is our most popular option for those who suspect that they will soon be sued by a creditor. For a retainer payment of $15.95 a month, we will allocate discounted time to you each month that will allow us to handle any creditor lawsuit for a price that is fixed at the time you sign-up, typically $299, which will include all court costs. This offering is extremely popular for people who are in debt settlement programs, where there is a substantial chance of getting sued by a creditor. You must enroll in the program prior to being sued on an account that you wish us to defend.
The traditional form of payment is by paying hourly for the time it takes to handle the lawsuit. The hourly rate is determined by who performs the work. We have a separate rate for attorneys and non-attorney, staff members. The rate for attorneys is between $200 an hour and $500 an hour, depending on the experience level of the attorney. The rate for non-attorney staff is typically $150 an hour. This payment structure is a good option for those who are confident that the matter can be resolved fast and want a chance to pay less than the flat-fee price. It is also good for those who want access to our most experienced attorneys and who do not mind spending more money than they would if they paid a flat-fee.
There are important terms and limitations to some of the offerings described on this page. Prices may change after publication. We want you to be happy with any service we provide you, so please read your contract carefully and ask any questions prior to signing. Prices are not set by law and can be negotiated. Any past performance mentioned does not guarantee future results.
The stress caused by financial problems is real and dangerous. It can impact your mental and physical health. You have rights and there are ways to reduce the cause of this stress. Please let us help you. Call us for a free consultation.
Our legal team starts working on your settlement strategy as soon as you start the program. Typically, the first settlement occurs between four to six months after a client enrolls in the program.
Yes. The sooner we have enough money to make a realistic offer, the better. If you wish to make an additional payment, please call us at 855-504-3177.
What happens if I miss a monthly payment to my Dedicated Savings Account?
All unused funds at the end of the program are returned to you.
Yes, every settlement must be approved by you. The attorney will review it and may make recommendations, but the decision to settle an account is entirely yours. We will notify you via text message or email when we have a settlement offer. You can also set-up pre-approval that allow us to accept a settlement that meets your preset requirements. Remember, settlement offers are time sensitive, so please be quick to respond.
Once you authorize a negotiated settlement, payment will be submitted to your creditor through your DSA, according to the agreed upon terms. At this time, the law firm will collect the portion of the fee owed for that particular account.
Once you have decided to stop paying on the debt, you will probably receive phone calls from the creditors. If you take their call, simply say that you are “experiencing financial hardship and that you cannot afford to make a payment at this time, but a payment will be made as soon as you are able to make one.” Do not provide a date or estimate as to when. Keep calls brief. You can tell the creditor that you are represented by a law firm, New Start Legal Solutions, who can be reached at 855-504-3177.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law that protects you from harassment by third-party debt collectors who are attempting to collect debts on behalf of another person or entity (creditor). The FDCPA makes it illegal for a debt collector to do such things as use abusive language, make unrealistic threats, call you repeatedly, call you before 8 AM or after 9 PM, unless you agree to it. You can read more about your rights under the FDCPA at If you believe that your rights have been violated, please document it and let us know.
It is unlikely, but possible. If it happens, do not panic. We have handled thousands of lawsuits from creditors, we are here to help. Please contact us right away so we can discuss options on how to fight back.
We are ready to fight for you. We have litigated more than 1,000 cases against creditors. Our reputation for fighting can be the key to get you the best outcome without having to go to court.